What if you were wrong?

I read a story about a flooring project. Everyone was instructed not to step on a specific area until it dried for an hour. Later, the homeowner, walking towards the spot, discovered it had been marred. Her husband claimed she must have walked there, but she was shocked, certain she hadn't. The initial blame turned out to be misplaced when the daughter confessed to walking on the wet floor.

Take your time before jumping to conclusions; don't judge situations just by how they look. When dealing with others, especially friends, embrace love, believing in the best. Do not be quick to judge. What if you were wrong?

Verse of the Day: Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister. Romans 14:13

This is going to be on nonstop today: What a beautiful name.