Which of these will you use this week?

We all have names, each carrying a unique story. A woman was speaking at an event, and she randomly dropped the meaning of her name. She said, “My name means “I live to please and serve my maker”.
So, my name is Samuel, meaning 'God has heard.' Elizabeth embodies God's promise, Ethan conveys strength, and Sophia signifies wisdom. Each name unfolds as a unique chapter in the narrative of life.

Just as we have names, God also has names that reveal His attributes and eternal nature

Yahweh signifies the timeless "I AM." Elohim, the universal Creator, breathes life into existence. El Shaddai, God Almighty, Adonai, the Sovereign, commands with unwavering authority. Jehovah-Jireh provides, Jehovah-Rapha heals, Jehovah-Nissi triumphs, and Jehovah-Shalom brings peace. Jehovah-Tsidkenu ensures righteousness.

Which of these names will you embrace this week? I assure you, the power within each holds the promise of transformation.

and here is a song to start your week.
