Why prayer is a waste of time

Let's set the record straight: PRAYER IS NOT A WASTE OF TIME

There are many things that can feel like a waste of time—waiting in long lines, scrolling on your phone, or having pointless conversations. And sometimes, if we’re honest, praying can feel that way too.

Think about Elijah. He prayed over and over for rain after years of drought (1 Kings 18:42-44). It took him seven times before he saw even a small cloud. Moments like that make us wonder, "Is this really worth it?" Is praying just wasting our time?

The truth is, prayer is never a waste of time. When Elijah prayed, he didn't see results right away, but he trusted God. God always hears us, even when it seems nothing is happening. He may not answer right away or in the way we expect, but He’s always working for our good. Don’t give up on prayer. Keep trusting, keep believing, and keep praying. God has a perfect plan, and your prayers are part of it.

Verse of the Day: 1 Thessalonians 5:17: Pray without ceasing.

Song of the Day: Way Maker- This song is a powerful reminder that even when we don't see it, God is working, and prayer is never in vain.

~~God is on your side