When it feels like time is running out

The Philistines were closing in, and Saul’s army was slipping away. The instruction was clear—wait seven days for Samuel. But time seemed against him. His men were restless, fear was rising, and Samuel was nowhere in sight. Saul panicked and did what only a priest was meant to do—he offered the sacrifice himself. The moment he finished, Samuel showed up.

Saul thought time was his enemy, but his real enemy was his lack of trust. He made excuses: “You were late, the people were leaving, I had no choice.” But God wasn’t looking for excuses—He was looking for obedience.

How often do we rush ahead because waiting feels unbearable? The last moments of waiting are usually the hardest, but taking matters into our own hands can cost us more than we realize. Saul’s impatience cost him the kingdom.

When it feels like time is running out, trust God anyway.

Reflection: Have you ever acted out of impatience, only to regret it later? Instead of rushing ahead, pause and ask: Am I moving in faith, or in fear? Trust that God’s timing is never late, even when it feels like it.

Verse of the Day: Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” — Psalm 27:14

Song of the Day: Wait on You – Elevation Worship & Maverick City

~~God is on your side