What I experienced over the weekend

A few days ago, my phone was at 10%, and I knew I needed to charge it because I was expecting a call that could keep me on the phone for a while. But I didn’t feel like getting up to grab my charger. In my mind, I secretly hoped someone would swing by, and I could ask them to bring it to me. As I sat there thinking about it, I randomly checked the charging port—and to my surprise, I found that I had left the charger there the day before.

As I thought about that moment, I couldn’t help but think of Hagar and Ishmael in the desert. In Genesis 21, Hagar was filled with despair, convinced that she and her son were going to die of thirst. She placed Ishmael under a bush and wept, completely overwhelmed. But in her desperation, God didn’t leave her alone.

Instead, He opened her eyes to a well of water that had been there all along. The solution to her crisis wasn’t something new—God had already provided it; she just hadn’t seen it yet.

How often do we, like Hagar, feel overwhelmed by our circumstances, thinking there’s no way out, when God’s provision is closer than we realize? Sometimes, all we need to do is stop, breathe, and ask God to open our eyes to what He’s already prepared for us.

Reflection: Is there a situation in your life where you feel stuck or hopeless? Pray for God to open your eyes to the well He’s already placed nearby. Trust that His provision is closer than you think.

Verse of the Day: Then God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.Genesis 21:19

Song of the Day: Open the eyes of my heart

~~God is on your side