Welcome to my home sweet home!

There's a man who, after losing his wife, lost his joy and became withdrawn while working as a cab driver. One day, he picked up a passenger brimming with life, who revealed his excitement about returning home. Upon arrival, the passenger invited the driver inside for coffee. As the passenger got out of the car, a stream of children rushed outside laughing and screaming. “Welcome to my home sweet home,” said the passenger. It was an orphanage. The cab driver stood in disbelief. All the children that came out with happy glowing faces had no one, yet they were not alone because they had each other.

Reflection: Irrespective of how things seem. Take a good look around and you will realise that you are not alone because God is on your side.

Verse of the Day: Lo, I will be with you, always" (Matthew 28:20).

This song can help you through the rest of the year. Take a listen.

If you enjoy quizzes, you'll love this True or False bible quiz.