We will not forget his glorious miracles

I was reflecting on the story of the Israelites when they stood at the edge of the Red Sea. They were trapped, with Pharaoh’s army behind them and the sea in front. It seemed hopeless. But God stepped in with one of His most awe-inspiring miracles—He parted the sea, making a path for them to walk through on dry ground. This wasn’t just a story of escape; it was a display of God’s mighty power.

The story of the Red Sea teaches us an important lesson: never forget God’s past miracles. The Israelites experienced a miraculous rescue, but later, they often doubted God when facing new challenges. We’re sometimes just like them—quick to forget what God has already done when the next difficulty comes our way. But God wants us to remember His past deeds, to strengthen our faith when the road ahead looks uncertain.

Reflection: When life feels overwhelming, take a moment to recall the times God has shown up for you. Reflect on His faithfulness and let those memories fuel your trust. Write down one miracle or answered prayer you’ve experienced and thank God for it.

Verse of the Day: Psalm 77:11. I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.

Song of the Day: Do It Again" by Elevation Worship

~~God is on your side