Verse of the Day

I randomly checked on a friend yesterday. I said, “Hey bro, trust you are good. I just thought to check on you.” Next thing he said was, “Hmm, you’re in spirit.” Meaning, he was just about to reach out to me when my message came in.

Sometimes, God places people on our hearts for a reason. A simple message, a call, or a prayer can be exactly what someone needs at that moment. It’s easy to brush off these thoughts as mere coincidences, but when we follow that gentle nudge, it can be a way of showing God’s love to others. It’s His way of reminding us that He sees and cares, using us as His hands and feet.

Reflection & Action: Who’s that person on your mind today? Take a moment to reach out. It might be the encouragement they need right now. Let God use you to remind someone they’re not alone.

Verse of the Day: Proverbs 21:17 (NIV) - As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

~God is on our side