The Traffic Light Experience

I was mega late for a meeting and then I prayed for smooth traffic lights along my route. Miraculously, just as I approached a major intersection, the light turned green, allowing me to breeze through. However, not every light changes so favorably, and it's frustrating when others zoom past after just arriving at a red light.

That's how life is. Traffic lights operate on timing sequences programmed into the system. These sequences determine how long each color stays before transitioning to the next. Whether you're at the green light, indicating drivers can proceed if it's clear and safe, or at the yellow/amber light warning of an imminent change from green to red, or even at the red light where drivers must stop, the light will eventually turn green again, usually within 2 minutes.

You might have been at a standstill (red time), but your green time is around the corner. If you're currently at the green time, be grateful, and pray for others to experience a change in timing.

Verse of the Day: Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Here’s a reminder from Juanita Bynum- I don’t mind waiting.