What a Toddler Can Teach You About Control

A lady was talking to another lady about the challenge of raising a toddler. As she walked in, she told her toddler to sit down, but he wouldn’t stay still. The more the mother tried to sit him down and gave him attention, the worse the situation got. The boy kept running around and making noise. The mother grew more upset. Then the other lady suggested ignoring the boy. When the mother stopped giving him attention, the boy got quiet, came back, and finally sat down. The lady explained that the boy was testing control, and by ignoring him, the mother had won.

As I thought about the child and mother, I realized that there are times when we need to stand our ground no matter what the whispers of the enemy around us are—whispers of failure, sickness, and doubt. The way to get the confidence to stand our ground against the enemy is to walk closely with the One who is in control so we are not tossed to and fro by the enemy. Having the Lord at your right hand will give you the confidence to stand firm on His word, irrespective of the things happening around you. Remember, your God is in control; you can afford to rest on Him.

Verse of the Day: Psalm 16:8 - I have set the Lord always before me, because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
Song of the Day: Whom shall I fear- Chris Tomlin

~~God is on your side