Though the righteous fall seven times

There are a few people in the Bible who, if someone had seen them at certain points in their lives, would have easily been written off. Elijah is a prime example. He was under a tree, quivering with fear under Jezebel's threat. He cried like a baby and almost gave up his ministry.
If we had seen Peter when he denied Jesus, we might have thought, "This guy is finished." Yet, Peter carried the gospel to the ends of the world, and countless souls were saved.
The same goes for Moses. When he ran from Pharaoh, we might have concluded that God could never send him to deliver the Israelites.

The lesson here is clear: Don’t write off others—or yourself. Failure isn’t the end of the story. You may have fallen, but God can still use you. Don’t let the enemy convince you that nothing good can come out of your struggles. God often brings His greatest victories from what seems like defeat.

Verse of the Day: Though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes. – Proverbs 24:16 (NIV)

~~God is on your side