This is our kind of God

One of the most touching parables in the Bible is the story of the Prodigal Son. It tells of a young man who left home with his inheritance, only to waste it all on reckless living. Soon, he found himself broke, hungry, and desperate. In his lowest moment, he decided to return home, hoping his father would at least take him back as a servant.

No matter how far you’ve drifted, God is always ready to welcome you back. He’s not counting your mistakes; He’s counting the steps you take back toward Him. Take a moment today to reconnect with God—He’s waiting with open arms. Need a reminder of His love? Listen to the story here: [The Prodigal Son].

Verse of the Day: For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." — Luke 19:10

Song of the Day: i will rise- Chris Tomlin