This is how we sometimes treat God

I know my city like the back of my hand. I rarely need GPS, except for when I want to avoid traffic or find a quicker route. A few days ago, I found myself stuck in a jam. So, I pulled out my navigator (the map) to help me out. It guided me through a faster route, and soon enough, I was free from the traffic. But then, as the GPS kept giving directions, I snapped, “Shut up, I don’t need you anymore.”

And right after I said that, a thought hit me...

Isn’t that how we sometimes treat God? We turn to Him when we’re stuck, desperate for a way out, and the moment things get smoother, we act like we don’t need His guidance anymore. Just like the Israelites in the wilderness, we become selective, consulting Him only when it’s convenient, instead of continually trusting Him to guide our every step. But God desires a constant relationship, not just to be our “troubleshooting guide” but our everyday companion.

Reflection: Where have you been quick to rely on your own understanding after God has helped you through a challenge? Take a moment to reflect on how you can keep Him close, even when the road is clear.

Verse of the Day: Proverbs 3:6 (NIV) - "In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

~~God is on your side