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  • This is For When you are STRUGGLING to Trust God

This is For When you are STRUGGLING to Trust God

Struggling to trust God? You're not alone. Doubts and worries can make it tough to fully believe. Yet, trusting God brings peace and strength even in tough times. Here's a reminder to guide us through.

When you're struggling to trust God, Remember God's faithfulness in the past. Recall the wonders, miracles, and judgments He has shown you. Reflect on the times He guided you through challenges, answered prayers, or brought unexpected joy. Revisiting these experiences builds confidence in His faithfulness, even in uncertainty. Let this verse anchor you in His character and promise to never leave or forsake you.

Verse of the Day: 1 Chronicles 16:12 Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced." -

Everyone knows this song. it’s a reminder that God is still the way maker.