Stay Silent, Stay Safe

Be like the antelope. It understands that staying quiet keeps it safe from predators. Not every moment calls for noise. Sometimes, wisdom means keeping silent to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Consider Joseph in Genesis. When he shared his dreams with his brothers, it stirred up envy and hatred (Genesis 37:5-11). Not every blessing is meant for everyone to hear. Be wise, like the antelope—stay silent, stay safe, and protect what God has entrusted to you.

In our lives, there are times when speaking out is needed, but there are also moments when silence is the wisest choice. God calls us to discern when to speak and when to be still. Just as the antelope remains quiet to protect itself, we should be careful about whom we share our blessings and dreams with. Not everyone will understand or celebrate them with us, and sometimes sharing too soon can invite unnecessary challenges.

Today, ask God for the wisdom to discern when to speak and when to be silent. Trust that He will guide you in protecting what He’s given you.

Verse of the Day: Proverbs 21:23. Whoever keeps his mouth, and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.

Song of the Day: "Still" by Hillsong United.