SNEAKY Signs of Pride

It begins subtly, almost slipping by unnoticed, yet it's a swift and silent killer. Pride, the quiet destroyer, requires our daily pushback. The very things we value can turn into pride traps. Hold on! Don’t call names yet; have you examined your heart and intentions to be sure you are not that person? Here are so subtle signs of pride.

Self-righteousness, ingratitude, envy, avoiding apologies, boasting, quick judgments, defensiveness, and rejecting help are all pitfalls to humility. Keep your heart in check by asking God to keep you humble and surround yourself with God-fearing people.
 Think about this: How can you incorporate humility into your daily life, and how can you begin practicing it today?

Verse of the Day: Proverbs 16:18. Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

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~~God is on your side