If You Are Proud

If you are proud, you won't have genuine love of others in your heart. If you are proud, you will be self-righteous. If you are proud, you would trample upon others’ right. If you are proud, you will be selfish. If you are proud, you would think that there is no one better than you. Then you become Mr/Mrs. Know-it- All.

If you are proud, you will overestimate yourself. If you are proud, you will not see anything good in others. If you are proud, you will be angry when you are not applauded or when others don’t sing your praises.

If you are proud of your wealth or riches, education or position in the world, Repent. You must repent because pride is Lucifer's spirit Isaiah 14:12-15.

Today, Choose humility over pride, seeking to uplift others rather than exalt yourself.

Verse of the Day: Isaiah 14:12-15. You have fallen from heaven, morning star! You said, 'I will ascend to the heavens, above the stars of God. I will make myself like the Most High. But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit.