They prayed for it, God Answered.

Walking in, I found my daughter engrossed in a kids' animated Bible story about Peter. As Peter languished in prison, the church earnestly prayed for his deliverance. In a breathtaking moment, an angel appeared, chains fell away, and Peter, freed, knocked at the door where those praying were astonished. Acts 12

Reflecting on this story, it struck me how, despite fervent prayers, doubt can linger. The praying church questioned when Peter was miraculously released, mirroring our tendency to doubt. What we've prayed for and committed to God's care is already taken care of. They prayed for it, God answered, and astonishment followed.

Verse of the Day: Matthew 21:22: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.

This is one of my all-time favorite songs. Way Maker.

~~Shalom, GB