Please pray this Prayer

I've been reading about safaris and found a cool story about a game reserve in South Africa. A family owned this land for years, but they thought it was useless—too far away, nothing special about it. So, when an investor offered to buy it, they sold it quickly, thinking they were finally getting rid of something that had no value. But the investor saw something different. They knew that this land was special, and today, it’s become an amazing game reserve that brings in lots of money and is surrounded by new developments.

This little story reminds me of a story in the bible where a young man saw no value in his inheritance and got rid of it. 

'Jacob said, “Sell me your birth right now. Esau said, “I am about to die; of what use is a birth right to me?” Jacob said, “Swear to me now.” So he swore to him and sold his birth right to Jacob.'  Genesis 25:31-33.

Esau, like this landowner had a limited vision and sold his birth right because he thought the land was of no use to him. He could not see the immediate benefit of this precious gift God gave him and he despised it, getting rid of it for close to nothing.

God still blesses us with great benefits and if we have the right vision, we will receive great returns from that which the Lord has put inside or around us. I would like to implore you to pray regularly that the Lord will sharpen your vision and ensure you do not despise any gifting or treasure He has deposited in you. Be it in people, assets, gifting, talents or skills.

Verse of the Day: Matthew 6:21. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Song of the Day: Open the eyes of my heart. Paul Baloche

Here’s a book i recommend you read: The Treasure Principle

Please pray this prayer: Lord, sharpen my vision to see and value the gifts and treasures You've placed in me.

~~God is on your side