Play your part

There are instances in the Bible where miracles happened without the recipient of such miracles playing a part in their miracle. However, there are many instances where people played their part.
Before Jesus turned the water into wine, someone had to do the ordinary task of filling the water pots. Before the miracle of increased oil, Elisha asked the Shunamite woman to borrow some more vessels.

Reflection: What's my part? Where do I need to step out in faith for Him to intervene? We want new wine to just appear, but Jesus calls us to fill up the jars first. We want an increase in the anointing, but there's no room for increase in our lives; we're full of self. In short, there's always an ordinary role left for man to play before God's intervention. We must participate in our own transformation. Do the ordinary, and God will do the extraordinary.

Today: STEP OUT IN FAITH. Make a move, and God will back you up. Take a moment today to identify an area in your life where you need to step out in faith. Trust that God will meet you there and perform the extraordinary when you act on the ordinary.

Verse of the Day: James 2:17. Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

Song of the Day: Do It Again by Elevation Worship. This song reminds us of God's faithfulness and encourages us to step out in faith, trusting that He will come through as He has before.