What I Ordered, What I Got

Ah, the big sale event arrived, and I spotted these amazing shoes online. Excitement surged through me! Clicked 'Buy' faster than you can say 'sale.' Fast forward to delivery day—I unbox and... surprise! What I ordered wasn’t what I got. Life's full of unexpected twists, isn't it?

Reflection: Life often mirrors this scenario. We set expectations, anticipating a particular outcome, only to find that reality has a unique twist. It's a reminder that God's plan for our lives might not align with our initial expectations. Embracing the unforeseen, in the twists and turns, reveals hidden blessings and lessons. Trust the journey; God's plan unfolds uniquely.

Verse of the day: Proverbs 19:21. Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.' -

Let the comforting melody of 'Thy Will' by Hillary Scott guide you through life's unexpected twists. Give it a listen!
