One of my favorite verses in the Bible

One of my fav verses in the Bible
“The Lord went ahead of them. He guided them during the day with a pillar of cloud, and he provided light at night with a pillar of fire. This allowed them to travel by day or by night.” Exodus 13:21

Reflecting on Exodus 13:21, where God led with a pillar of cloud and fire, it's a reminder that just as He went ahead for the Israelites, He goes ahead for you. Feel His guiding presence, a beacon of strength, lighting your path today. In uncertainties, find reassurance that God leads you into a future filled with hope. Walk with confidence, for the Lord is your personal guide.

Let 'Way Maker' song fill your space, a reminder that God goes before you, lighting the path

Question: In moments of uncertainty, what Bible verse or song lyrics bring you comfort and reassurance? Hit reply and share your go-to source of inspiration with us.

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