Which One?

Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” 1Sam7:12

Which of His goodness do you want to talk about? Today, let's reflect on God as our Ebenezer. Ebenezer means 'stone of help,' and it's a reminder of how far God has brought us. Think about all the times He's been there, providing strength, guidance, and protection. Hitherto the Lord has helped you. 1Sam7:12

As we ponder God's faithfulness in our lives, let's carry this trust forward. Just as the Lord has been our help up to this point, we can be assured of His continuous presence in the journey ahead. Keep building your Ebenezer, a monument of gratitude, and rely on Him for all your needs.

Listen to '10,000 Reasons' and let its melody inspire your heart to reflect on God's countless blessings in your life.

Question: Which of His goodness are you most grateful for today? Hit reply in and inspire others with your story.

~~~Shalom- GB