Ok, it's time to upgrade

Towards the end of last year, my wife felt it was time to UPGRADE her phone. Her reason: the old phone was slowing down, and she had a lot of pictures, requiring more space. Hence, the decision to UPGRADE to a better and newer model.
This week, a friend mentioned randomly that she needs to start looking for a new laptop as her current one is giving way. Time for an UPGRADE.

Have you ever stumbled on your old pictures and realized you've UPGRADED yourself? Many of us have upgraded in that aspect, but not spiritually. WHY?

Resisting upgrades, be it due to costs or reluctance to change, can hinder optimal functioning. We're meant to operate at our best, necessitating a spiritual upgrade.

See this bible verse.

The steadfast love of our God never ceases, His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning. Lamentation 3:22-23

If God always does new things, then we need to agree with Him by being open to new and better things always. Read more of His word, develop yourself spiritually, mentally and emotionally so you can live an upgraded life!

On keys this sunday and this song is on the setlist. Take a listen.

Have a blessed weekend! Stay warm if you are in the USA, Winter's freeze is about to hit the country, bringing the coldest temperatures of the season so far.