Where are they now?

One of my favorite Instagram accounts is a page that follows famous people who were once at the top of their game, like athletes and celebrities, and shows where they are now. It’s always fascinating to see how life can change so dramatically. For instance, I recently saw a former NBA player, Vin, who used to make millions and is now working as a barista at Starbucks. Another story featured a Hall of Fame athlete who is now a crossing guard at a school. It’s incredible how life can take unexpected turns.

Life can be unpredictable, even for those who once seemed invincible. These stories remind us that worldly success is fleeting, and the things we rely on can change in an instant. But as believers, our foundation is not in our achievements or status but in Christ. His grace and love remain constant, regardless of our circumstances. Whether we’re at the peak of success or facing challenges, God’s grace is sufficient for us.

Reflection: How do you view your life’s successes and setbacks? Are you grounded in Christ, or are you relying on worldly achievements? Take a moment to reflect on where your true foundation lies.

Verse of the Day: Isaiah 54:10 For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.

Song of the Day: Cornerstone by Hillsong Worship.

~~God is on your side