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There's this story in the Bible about King Saul. The Philistines were ready for battle, and Saul's army was starting to run away. He was told to wait seven days for the prophet Samuel, but Samuel seemed late, and Saul got scared. So, instead of waiting, he made a sacrifice to God—something only Samuel was allowed to do. Just as Saul finished, Samuel showed up. If Saul had waited just one more hour, things could have been very different. His fear and impatience led him to make a big mistake.

The last moments of waiting are usually the hardest. That’s when we’re most tempted to take things into our own hands, just like Saul did. The lesson is clear—sometimes, all we need is to trust God a little longer. Rushing ahead can lead to mistakes, but patience and faith can bring the best outcome, even when it feels like time is running out.

Verse of the Day: Isaiah 40:31 But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Song of the Day: Wait on you- elevation worship

~~God is on your side