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There’s a popular saying: “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” advocating for diversification. But in faith, it's different. Consider the widow in 1 Kings 17: despite a severe famine, she used her last bit of flour and oil to make bread for Elijah, trusting God’s promise through him. Her act of faith was rewarded: her supplies never ran out.

In life, while it's wise to diversify in many areas, when it comes to our trust, God wants us to place all our "eggs" in His basket. The widow didn’t hold back a portion for herself—she put her entire trust in God, and He provided abundantly.

Today, don’t spread your faith thin. Put your full trust in God, knowing that His provision never runs out, even when resources seem scarce.

Verse of the Day: Psalm 37:5 Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act.

Song of the Day: I Will Trust by Red Rocks Worship

~~God is on your side