Shssssssssssss. Today is my birthday. I have two requests at the end of this post. + today’s post will be longer than usual. Buckle up!

Over the years, at crossroads, unsure, I've called on God. Without fail, He's proven faithful. In one season, Jehovah Rapha brought healing; El Shaddai displayed boundless power. Yahweh Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts, revealed His mighty presence. Just yesterday, He showed up as Abba, my Father and source of love.

TODAY, Call on God by His name! Need healing? Call Him Jehovah Rapha. Facing challenges? Invoke Yahweh Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts. What name of God have you called on, and how has it worked for you?

AND, these two songs have kept me going year in, year out: "Lord, I Look to You" and Praise is What I Do. Just key into it. It works.


In the spirit of giving, consider supporting a missionary organization aiding persecuted Christians worldwide. Your donation can make a difference. [Donate here] Note: I am not affiliated with this missionary organization.

Also, don't forget to share 8AMDEVOTION with your friends and loved ones.

~~Shalom, GB