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A few days ago, I was thinking about someone who hurt me so much, and I strongly feel I've not healed... Yes, it's okay to take time to heal...

Then, I read about this lady whose friend stopped talking to her, and everything she did to find out why was futile. One year passed, two years, and almost three, no words to me, at least to tell me what she did. Nothing! She was dying of guilt and pain. She felt like a bad friend! It affected her so much that I couldn’t move on from what happened.

Then... She asked God to help her heart and heal her, help me forgive myself and move on. It took a while, but then I finally moved on.

Then the fourth year came, and they met in a meeting only for her to hear the flimsy excuse that caused the anger… and malice for that long! Can you imagine that? Yet she was thinking she did something so terrible.

What did i do? I quickly prayed for the person that hurt me and i immediately was at peace.

Call to action: If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. Matthew 18:15-16

Today, stop keeping malice! Speak when you are offended! Forgive others!

You’d love this song. Check it out

~~God is on your side.