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There was a time when the Israelites were oppressed by their enemies, and in Judges 6, we find Gideon, hungry, hurting, and afraid like the rest of his people. The Lord had handed them over to their enemies because of their disobedience. Yet, in verse 12, when the Angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, I love how He didn't call him by his situation or emotions. Instead, He called Gideon, 'MIGHTY MAN OF VALOR.

God doesn’t call us by our mistakes, failures, or weaknesses. The enemy may know your name but chooses to call you by your shortcomings. However, God knows all of your flaws, yet He still calls you by WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST. Remember, He sees you through the lens of His power working within you, not your situation.

Embrace who God says you are, not what your past says.

Verse of the Day: 2Corinthians 5:17. Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new.

Song of the Day: Who you say I AM- Hillsong

~~God is on your side