Nahum 1:7

It’s Friday, and as the week winds down, let’s take a moment to reflect on the goodness of God. Life has its ups and downs, but in all seasons, we have a promise to hold on to: The Lord is good. This isn’t just a statement; it’s a truth we can anchor ourselves to, especially when things get tough.

Nahum 1:7 reminds us that God is our stronghold in the day of trouble. He’s not just a distant observer; He’s our refuge, our place of safety when life feels overwhelming. But what’s even more comforting is the last part of the verse: He knows those who trust in Him. God is fully aware of those who lean on Him, and He never leaves us to face our challenges alone.

So today, as you head into the weekend, remember that you’re not just getting through the tough times on your own. You’ve got a stronghold in God—a safe place to run to—and He knows exactly who you are and what you’re going through.

Take it easy today, rest in His goodness, and trust that He’s got you covered.

Here’s a good song to get your weekend started. - Promises

~~God is on your side