Most memorable moment

One night, a family came together to remember their cherished moments. One child shared a special memory of a school trip. They had hoped their working parents could join, and to their amazement, their parents' names were the last ones called. This reinforced their faith in the power of prayer.

Those tiny, everyday prayers matter more than we think. You know, the ones for finding lost keys or a safe journey? So, remember those answered prayers, even the small ones. They're like stepping stones to more of God's goodness. Just take a moment to think about them, and you'll be surprised how many special moments you've had.

Verse of the Day: Psalm 103:1-2:
Bless the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me, bless His Holy name. Forget not all His benefits.

Question: What’s a “small” prayer answered or a special moment you’ve had? Hit reply and share those with us.