Lesson from gardening

Gardening can teach so many life lessons on life stages and seasons.

When farmers and gardeners prepare to plant, they carefully select the right seeds. They understand the process: seeds disappear into the soil, only to emerge with new life.

Similarly, in our own lives, there are seasons when we embark on new endeavors or pursue personal growth. At first, progress may seem slow or even imperceptible, like seeds hidden beneath the soil. But as we persist and nurture our dreams, new life begins to emerge. Before we know it, those small beginnings have blossomed into significant achievements, and the challenges we faced along the way fade into distant memory.

What seed will you plant in your life today if you knew it’s future potentials and yields? If you can see it in your mind’s eye, you can surely begin today to achieve it.

Verse of the Day: Psalm 126:5. Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!

I’ve been glued to this song since Friday, it’s CeCe Winans’ new song. i think you’d like it. - Is He Worthy.

~~God is on your side.