Do You Know These Labels?

There’s a question at the end of this post.

Have you ever wondered how people describe you in a single word? Imagine if everyone knew you by just one label—what would it be? Check this👇

In the biblical times and till today, people were described by their labels (even after they had been healed or delivered).

Mary the harlot, Simon the leper, Zacchaeus the chief tax collector, Jabez “Meaning: Sorrowful; Borne in pain…
”Even today, people are often labeled by their circumstances or actions. We hear labels like “the addict,” “the single mom,” the unemployed,” the divorcee,” or “the successful entrepreneur.” These labels can shape how we see ourselves and how others see us, but they don’t define our true worth or potential in God's eyes.

Whatever labels has described you or that you have been called by that God did not place on you, He that changes the names of Jacob to Israel, Abram to Abraham, and Gideon who was afraid into The mighty man of valor, is ready and able to change your name from bitter to sweet, ashes to beauty, sorrow to dancing for joy, fearful to brave, foolish to wise.

Verse of the Day: Revelation 2:17 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a NEW NAME written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it.

Song of the Day: I’ve played this multiple times and it’s always new. NEW NAME

~~God is on your side.

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