It starts now

Last week, I bought my son one of his new favorite meals. He was so excited, enjoying every bite. At some point, I asked, “Can I have just a little? ”Without hesitation, he said, “No. ”I laughed and asked again, “Just a small bite?” Still, he refused.

As I sat there, watching him enjoy what I had provided, it hit me—I do the same thing with God.

How often does God bless us, yet when He asks us to give—whether our time, resources, or talents—we hold on tightly? My son had no idea that the meal he was enjoying came from my money, my effort. In the same way, we sometimes forget that our jobs, gifts, and even the breath in our lungs are all from God. We pray for provision, and when He provides, we act like it’s ours alone. We ask for opportunities, and when doors open, we hesitate to give back. But here’s the truth: God is the source, not just the provider. If He gave it, He can multiply it.

A great example is the rich young ruler in Mark 10:17-22. He had everything—wealth, influence, status—but when Jesus asked him to give it up and follow Him, he walked away sad. Why? Because he loved what he had more than the One who gave it to him.

On the other hand, Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac, the very son he had prayed for. Yet, God provided a ram in his place. Abraham trusted that if God gave it, God could also sustain it.
Reflection: What are you holding onto that God has asked you to release?
Verse of the Day: Everything we have has come from you, and we give you only what you first gave us." – 1 Chronicles 29:14

~~God is on your side