I couldn't take it with me

I was preparing to visit someone and needed to fly. I thought a nice perfume would be a perfect gift. After buying it, my wife reminded me that since I wasn’t checking a bag, it was too big for a carry-on. Eventually, I had to leave it behind because TSA wouldn’t allow it due to the size.

As I thought about the perfume, I realized sometimes in life, we carry things that seem perfect but aren’t meant for our journey. Just like TSA wouldn’t let me take the perfume, God often asks us to let go of certain things, not because they’re bad, but because they don’t fit His plan for us right now. Trust that when God says 'leave it behind,' He knows what’s best for the path ahead.

Reflection & Action Step: Is there something in your life that feels too heavy to carry? Trust God today to help you let it go and move forward in faith. Pray and ask Him for the strength to release anything that’s holding you back.

Verse of the Day: Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, let us throw off everything that hinders.

~~God is on your side