• 8AM Devotion
  • Posts
  • Here's one of the strengths you need as a believer.

Here's one of the strengths you need as a believer.

Have you ever shared a plan that was going well, only to encounter a sudden halt or snag along the way?

Remember the story of the Shunammite woman? When her son died, she confided only in the prophet of God. Similarly, Mary, upon hearing God's plan through the Angel, kept it to herself.

Call to action: Embrace the wisdom of discernment in sharing your journey. Like the Shunammite woman and Mary, understand the significance of timing and the recipients of your revelations. Stay coded and discern when, how, who, and where to share, safeguarding your blessings from potential negative influences.

Verse of the Day: Ecclesiastes 3:7: A time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak.

Question: Have you ever held back sharing news until the perfect moment? How did it impact the outcome?

It’s the season of giving. Starting tomorrow, I’ll be sharing ways you can give this season and causes you can give to. Got any suggestions? Send them my way.

But, you know, when I like a song, I just over-listen to it. Here’s one: 'He Won’t Fail.'
