Here's what i learned last week

I heard about a guy who selflessly decided to give his kidney to his friend. However, a hospital visit revealed an unexpected twist – a tumor the size of an avocado was found in his body.
The story echoes a powerful truth: being good not only helps others but it’s a gift to yourself. He went to the hospital to help his friend, not knowing he was going to save his own life. On the flip side, harboring wickedness may unknowingly harm you. Remember, your actions have a ripple effect on both others and ourselves.

Reflection: Reflect on your actions today: are you sowing seeds of kindness or wickedness? Remember, what we sow, we also reap.

Verse of the Day: Galatians 6:7, "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap." Choose goodness, for it not only blesses those around you but becomes a blessing in your own life.

Somehow, I think all Christians should know this song. Check it out.

~Shalom, GB