Here's interesting research about safety

Here's an interesting research study about safety, protocols, and accidents in aviation over a 20-year period. It focuses on military aviators, comparing rookies and veterans. The study analyzed the numbers of accidents, ranging from serious to minor, and fatal to insignificant, between rookie and veteran pilots. The percentage of accidents was significantly higher in one group.
Guess which group had far more accidents and injuries than the rookies? The study showed that over time, comfortability among veterans became complacency.

Veterans often think, "I know the rules, I know the checklists. I've been behind the stick for 20 years." They get in the plane and take off without the same level of caution. Rookies, on the other hand, understand the weighty moment when they fly the airplane.

I thought about this, and I realize I am like those veterans. Comfortability has become complacency. You and I think we know the rules. We think we know how God works over time. We are so comfortable that we've forgotten those initial awe and wonders we've seen. We get too used to God. Sometimes we feel, "Yo bro, I got this." Today, do not let your comfortability become complacency. Check this verse and remember to stay vigilant in your faith.

Verse of the Day: Proverbs 3:5-6. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. (NIV)