Here's my encouragement to you today.

"Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John." While he was in the temple doing his priestly duties, Angel Gabriel appears to him and says, “Don’t be afraid, the Lord has heard your prayers.” (Luke 1:13)

Zachariah’s shock and response sold it all out that he even forgot about the prayer he made. He responded with doubt because to him, time had already passed for his wife to bear children. (Indeed God’s timing is not our timing)
John the Baptist had to be born right before Jesus. God knew what He was doing.

Here's my encouragement to you today. God cannot mismanage your life. Every request placed in His Hands NEVER go unanswered.
You may forget but He doesn’t forget, He knows exactly what He’s doing and at the right time, He will make it happen.
He makes everything beautiful in His time. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) Sometimes you just want your prayers answered but God looks at the bigger picture. He has something bigger planned with that prayer request you presented to Him.

You’ll love this song: Moving forward -Israel

~~God is on your side