God is with Us

Embarking on full-time ministry with empty savings, the couple informed their kids of the situation. One day, their son, noticing the scanty fridge, questioned his dad about financial hardship. Unfazed, the father explained their faith-filled perspective on abundance. Soon after, a surprise delivery replenished their groceries, affirming their belief in divine provision. Grateful, the father declared, Noah, God is with us!"

God is with us; Emmanuel is His name. He knows you, His plan for you and His purposes will never fail. It does not matter how things look, He will always come through for you. He is with you. His word says. God is with us. He has promised and will never fail. Whatever you are trusting Him for this year and beyond, it is not too late for God to visit you with your testimony.

Verse of the Day: Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right-hand’ Isaiah 41:10

And this song is a reminder that God Won’t Fail You.

~Shalom- GB