God has set things in motion

A church once needed to clear out a paid storage space and had some old plastic chairs and a lectern to get rid of. The pastor believed someone would need them, so they left the items outside, trusting they would be picked up. Weeks passed, and while many thought the items were just litter, the pastor remained confident. After two months, the items were finally taken, just as he had expected. It became clear that his faith and expectation had been rewarded in the end.

This reminded me of the story of Daniel, who prayed and was told by an angel that God had answered from the first day, though the result took time to appear. Just like the items outside the church, the answer eventually became clear. When we pray, God sets things in motion—our part is to wait and trust.

I want to implore you to remember that whenever you pray or declare a word the Lord lays in your heart, God has heard and has set things in motion to ensure they happen.

The question however is, will you wait for it or not. I will advise you to wait for the Lord.

Verse of Day: Daniel 10:12-21.Then he said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer.

~~God is on your side