The gift everyone should have

Anytime I read about Jonathan and David's friendship, I'm reminded of the profound gift that true friends can be. In 1 Samuel 18:1-4, Jonathan, King Saul's son, formed a deep bond with David and remained a loyal friend despite his father's attempts to kill David. Jonathan even risked his own life to warn David of Saul's intentions.

Their friendship, marked by loyalty, sacrifice, and support, exemplifies what it means to have a friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). This story highlights the value of godly and faithful friends in our lives.

If you do not have good people in your life, believe me, you're in trouble. Don't just celebrate money in your account. Pray and say, "God, in my lifetime, give me the gift of godly and faithful friends."

If you are fortunate to have found such friends. Can I advise you? Swallow your pride and keep them. Don't ever say, "I don't need you," only to apologize later. Godly friends are like gold—don't throw them away.

If you have given up quality relationships in pursuit of money. God brought faithful people into your life, but you overlooked them, searching only for those who could solve your problems. The top can be a lonely place full of deceivers. Cherish those who love you for who you are.

Call to Action: Take a moment today to thank God for the gift of true friends. If you have been blessed with such people in your life, reach out to them and express your gratitude. If you are still searching for these friends, pray and trust that God will bring them into your life.

Verse of the Day: A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity." - Proverbs 17:17

Question of the Day: Who is one friend in your life that you are grateful for, and how have they impacted you? Share your story with us by replying to this email!

Song of the Day: What a Friend We Have in Jesus - This classic hymn reminds us of the ultimate friendship we have in Christ, who bears all our burdens and listens to all our prayers.