Frequently Made Mistake #1

Frequently Made Mistake #1: Many believe miracles only occurred in the Old Testament or when Jesus was physically present with the disciples. However, the truth is that God's word never fails.

My friend had twins 2 years ago. Recounting his stories, he told me he and his wife waited for 12 years. I was surprised because anytime I asked about his family, he never said anything negative; he'd always say they are good. What faith! He said the Lord told them they would be fruitful maritally, but biology and science kept saying NO. Despite facts and science, about nine months later, their twins were born, and Jesus won again.

It is very difficult to hold on to what Jesus says, particularly when your reality seems to be contrary to what He says. The level of challenge or complications will never change Gods ability to glorify Himself in your matter.

START WITH THESE: Get His word - ensure you are very certain of what He says.
Meditate on His word daily-what you focus on is what you experience.
Speak His word - The bible says, you shall have whatever you say.
 *Stand on His word - No matter how long, do not permit the whispers of the devil, be dogged in your faith on the Word God has spoken to you.

Verse of the Day: Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear.’

Run with this song this week: Way Maker, promise keeper.

~~Shalom, GB