Frequently Made EXCUSES #1

One of the excuses we make is that WE HAVE NO ONE TO HELP US.
Check this story.

So, there was a pool in Bethesda, known for its healing properties. Anyone who got into the pool first when it stirred would be healed. One man had been by the pool for 38 years, unable to move quickly enough to get in. When Jesus saw him, He asked if he wanted to get well. The man explained he had no one to help him into the pool. Jesus then told him to get up, pick up his mat, and walk.

Just like the man, one of our frequently made excuses is that we don't have anyone to help us. But from today, let's forget that and remember: "When other helpers fail and comforts flee, help of the helpless is with you. (this is a song). May we be reminded that even when other sources of support falter, His presence remains unwavering.

Check this song “Abide With me” and this bible reading.

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