This is for when you feel so low

If i were you, I’ll pause for a minute and think about this.

There is so much to thank God for. So many wonderful blessings and so many open doors. a brand-new mercy, along with each new day. For starting me on my way, For letting me see the sunlight.

For every mountain God brought me over. For every trial he saw me through. For every blessing, and for this I give you praise.

That is my testimony. Is this yours too?

Today, take a moment to reflect on the instances where you felt God's presence amidst life's challenges and blessings. Consider the mountains He brought you over and the trials He saw you through. Let this reflection be a testament to His faithfulness in your life.

Listen to 'For Every Mountain' today and let its uplifting message remind you of God's faithfulness in your life

~~God is on your side!