The farmer's Seed

With the excitement of spring around the corner, many gardeners eagerly anticipate the opportunity to till the soil and plant their favorite seeds. As they carefully tend to their gardens, these seeds undergo a miraculous transformation, sprouting new life and promising a future harvest. Through patience and nurturing care, gardeners witness the power of growth and abundance in their own backyards.

Just as a farmer plants seeds, we too sow seeds of faith, trusting in God's timing. Growth takes time, like seeds buried in soil, but with patience, they sprout and bear fruit. Reflect on where God is at work in your life, surrendering to His timing for growth. What seeds of faith will you plant today, trusting in God's plan for your future harvest?

Verse of the Day: Psalm 126:5 Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy.

You'll be inspired by the faith-filled lyrics of "Oceans" by Hillsong United.

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