How to face the storm

Here’s a quick recap from yesterday’s devotion.

When sailors are at sea and a storm is coming behind them, Instead of letting the storm overtake them, they turn the ship around to face it head-on. This approach ensures they don’t get caught by surprise. He does not allow the storm to run into him, but sails into the storm.

Today we talk about how to face the Storm.

Let's face it: We can never weather life's storms by our own strength alone. It's in those tempests that we truly understand our need for God's help.

Growing up, there was this song we used to sing, 'With Jesus in the boat, I can smile through the storm.' Back then, it was just a catchy tune, but now, as an adult, its meaning hits home. Life's storms can be relentless, tossing us about with their fierce winds and crashing waves.

This Bible passage has helped me over the years. It says: "By strength shall no man prevail. We cannot do it on our own.

So next time the storm blows, remember you cannot face it on your own. You need God's help.

~~God is on your side