I have it easier than you

I've been super obsessed with the story of Samuel for a while now. There is this story about Samuel's family that hasn't struck me until now. Samuel's dad, Elkanah, had two wives: Hannah (Samuel's mom) and Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah did not. Peninnah would taunt and make fun of Hannah because the Lord had kept her from having children. Year after year, it was the same—Peninnah would taunt Hannah as they went to the Tabernacle. Each time, Hannah would be reduced to tears and would not even eat.

As I thought about Hannah and Peninnah, it struck me that some of us have it easier than others. Hannah endured years of ridicule and taunting from Peninnah because she couldn't have children. This reminded me of Moses, who was mocked for his speech impediment and lack of eloquence, David, who was ridiculed by his brothers and Goliath for being just a young shepherd, and Gideon, who was ridiculed by his own people for being from the weakest clan in Manasseh and the least in his family

Reflect on this: Just because we may have it easier, it doesn't give us the right to belittle others. Instead of ridicule, let’s extend grace and empathy. Remember, everyone is fighting their own battles. Be the person who lifts others up, offering support and encouragement. God sees beyond our struggles and uses each of us for His purpose. Today, choose to be a beacon of hope and kindness in someone’s life.

Verse of the Day: Romans 12:15- Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.

Song of the Day: Who you say I am- Hillsong

~~God is on your side