Do you know this song?

There’s this song we sang when I was growing up: “When the hosts of Israel, led by God, Round the walls of Jericho softly trod…” Whew, I miss those days! It reminds me of the powerful story of faith and obedience when the Israelites marched around the walls of Jericho, trusting God for victory. Each step was a testament to their belief in God’s promise, and that song echoes the spirit of that miraculous event.

As I think about the song now, it makes so much more meaning to me as an adult. The song captures the essence of trusting God, even when circumstances seem impossible. Just like the Israelites, we often find ourselves standing before our own "walls"—challenges that appear insurmountable. Yet, when we place our faith in God and obey His guidance, we can experience breakthroughs that defy our expectations. It’s a reminder that our victories come not from our strength but from our faith in Him.

Reflection: Think about a challenge you’re facing today. How can you trust God like the Israelites did? Remember, victory is often on the other side of obedience.

Verse of the Day: Joshua 6:20: “So the people shouted when the priests blew the trumpets. When the people heard the sound of the trumpet, they shouted with a great shout, and the wall fell down flat.”

Action Step: Take a moment to pray about a challenge you’re facing. Ask God to help you trust Him and to show you how to take that first step in faith.

~~God is on your side